Big news, friends! I've officially published my very first class on Skillshare! It's available to Premium members and it is all about SHIBORI!
In my class, "Fabric Dyeing: Introductory Shibori Techniques," you can learn four basic, yet beautiful stitching techniques that open up a host of fabric dyeing possibilities! The class project is to create a Shibori sampler featuring seven different circle designs.
I began working on this class in September, and I filmed it in early October. The process of creating this was quite frustrating at times. So many pieces had to come together! I filmed in my little apartment, which involved moving my bed into my living room and leaving it there for at least three weeks! The hardest part for me was dealing with all the footage (having enough space on my computer, wading through a million takes because IT IS HARD to talk to a camera, learning how to use iMovie...). After making my introduction video, I was a bit wiped out and busy, so I didn't touch my project for all of November and most of December.
...and then something snapped. I just HAD to get this project done! So, I buckled down, sorted through my videos, edited them, uploaded them, tweaked the class on Skillshare, and tweaked ...and tweaked. I crossed the finish line! DONE IS BEAUTIFUL!
-Elsa K
